Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, serve the Church and their neighbour on a voluntary basis.

The group comes together each week before the 4:00pm mass for prayer, discussions, pastoral reporting and spiritual formation. They visit the sick and the needy. Any adult over 25 may join. They currently have about 12 members.

Dominican Third Order (or Dominican laity)

Until recently, the Lay Dominicans were known as the Third Order of St. Dominic.  The Dominican Order, properly known as the Order of Preachers, or Ordo Praedicatorum in Latin, was founded by St. Dominic (de Guzmán) in the early 1200s for the purpose of re-evangelizing Catholic Europe, which at the time was suffering from a crisis of faith in some areas.

Being a Third Order Dominican means that while one is not a Dominican priest or brother, nun or sister, one is living a Christian life with a Dominican spirituality in the secular world. We find inspiration in following the same spiritual path taken by many saints, blesseds, and other holy men and women. They meet and pray weekly. Any adult over 25 may join. They currently have about 12 members.

Eucharist Youth Movement

The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement is an organisation for the Vietnamese children and youth of today. The Eucharist is the main focus of their lives. There are four principles: prayer, sacrifice, communion, and apostolate service, which are still practiced actively with dignity today.

The goals of the Eucharistic Youth Movement are:

1. To educate youths in both social and spiritual life and help them become better people and responsible Christians.

2. To organize and guide all youths and help them become more aware of the Church’s mission to the world by engaging in the spreading of Good News, and be involved in working for the good of society through apostolate services, in serving others.

The group is open to young people of age 6 to 16. They currently have about 160 members.

Cursillo: Phong Trao Cursillo

Cursillos in Christianity (in Spanish: Cursillos de Cristiandad, short course of Christianity) is a ministry of the Roman Catholic Church. It was founded in Majorca, Spain by a group of laymen in 1944, while they were refining a technique to train pilgrimage leaders.

Cursillo offers:

An opportunity to grow in faith.  A chance to experience the love and grace of God and the joy of Christian fellowship.  A way of building a continuing Christian community to help one another on our spiritual journey.

It embraces the insights and good teachings of all the traditions in the Catholic Church.

It is a movement within the church and not outside it, so it works together with groups and organisations in a parish.

The Cursillo Movement members come together for prayer and social activities. They currently have 20 members aged 25 and over.

Holy Spirit Choir

A group of Vietnamese singers and musicians that leads the congregation in singing at the weekly Vietnamese mass and any other Vietnamese religious event held in the church, including weddings, funerals, baptisms etc. Or on request of the Vietnamese Chaplain.

They currently have 50 members.

Marian Family Devotion Movement

A group of Vietnamese parishioners that meet regularly in members homes for prayer. The group currently has 30 members.

St. Minh’s Charity Group

A group of parishioners that meet regularly and attend funerals and provide support to the deceased’s relations.